Area View


A bird's eye view helps you see dangers you'd otherwise miss.

Area View allows you to see a top down view of your car. It sees what you can’t, so you can avoid dangers around you. We dramatized humorous situations moments away from disaster to show why you’d want to see more of your surroundings. It’s product education via schadenfreude.



Art Director



Louis & Co

Ian Butterworth

Beautifully dramatize the product benefit. Without showing the product.

Remember those great Volkswagen ads? The ones that appealed to your intelligence? The ones that hooked you with an unorthodox line like “Lemon”? This print campaign aims to feel less like an ad (no product photo) and more like a Gary Larson comic (a single panel of humor derived from the anticipation of disaster.) Michael was the Art Director on the campaign, he conceptualized and scamped the original comps on paper with pencil, collected reference images, created decks, and worked with the talent folks from Louis & Co. Shout out to the photographer Ian Butterworth, who dangled above a crocodile enclosure to get the perfect shot. Yep, that’s a real crocodile. Ian is the literal definition of a brilliant craftsman who creates brave yet beautiful work.

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